
Development actors consultation: state of the art in 2010

At the end of June, both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance invited all Italian stakeholders in international development cooperation ( NGOs, foundations and all ministries) to a round table to discuss the creation of a regular coordination mechanism. The convenors sketched out the two main objects for such coordinating structure: drafting an overarching vision for the Italian development cooperation, as recommended by the DAC, and piloting some multistakeholders development cooperation interventions, involving private and public players, in partners countries. The idea was very welcomed by all participant and the group is going to meet again in September. In early July during the biannual general meeting the Director General for development cooperation hold with the Italian NGOs, NGOs arrears were updated to reach 30 million euro. These are delayed public financial contributions due to NGOs but these have not been disbursed due to red tape and lack of capacity. In order to complete their interventions, NGOs had to frontload resources to fill this financial gap; they have been waiting for a reimbursement over the last 15 years.

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