
Ranking Italian response to Humanitarian emergencies

Last week, the DARA research center published the third edition of the Humanitarian response index, ranking 23 donors countries as for quantity and quality of their responses to Humanitarian crises. In 2009, Italy ranks third last, only followed by Greece and Portugal. In every index dimension, Italy performs consistently far below its peer donors average.

It ranks: 20th as for its response to humanitarian needs and for its generosity, second last in prevention, ability to work with humanitarian partners and evaluation of humanitarian interventions.
Italy’s recorded best scores concern timeliness of funding for onset disasters (ranking 4th best donor) and Italy is among the best 10 performers as for the investments in forgotten crisis.

Looking at the details in the Index dimensions, Italian flaws in responding to emergencies get clearer and clearer. Italy ranks: 4th last as for need assessment capacity; 3rd last at contributing to human rights protection, transparency in funding, ability to save human lives and protect human dignity and it is the worst donor as for funding timeliness to complex emergencies.

In order to increase its index performance Italy should reform her strategic and management response to humanitarian emergency following Norway, Sweden and Ireland examples; all scoring among the top three donors for all index dimensions.

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