
EU donors reflecting on GBS in international workshop in Rome

On February 26th, ActionAid organized a European Seminar on General Budget Support: Lessons fearnt and way forward.
During the one day long workshop 10 different panelists - including think tanks, donors countries and partners countries - shared experiences and pioneered new ideas for future GBS initiatives. Speakers agreed that GBS is not panacea for all aid, but it is a promising political package to foster State and administrative capacities, together with the improvement accountability relations Governments-Citizens. GBS is not immediately suitable for all states but consensus arised to work to foster a GBS-enabling environment, even in post-conflict context. GBS is not more prone to corruption than project based aid but it is the best aid modality to immediately warn against governance related weakness in partners countries. One panelist strongly pointed out that DBS support in favour of local authories is worth further consideration, as a means to support decentralization.GBS compels a behavoural-change among all aid stakeholders. As for civil society, ActionAid shared its in Tanziania and Uganda. Despite lack of evidence of any reduction in financial support , donors-CSO engament changes based not only on service delivery but on policy-contents. EU member states shared their expeiences and future plans. UK, the EC and the Netherlands acknoledged past mistakes while Italy and Spain pointed at the managment challenges posed by GBS to their aid systems.

All presentations can be found in the download section, right-below.

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