Aid effectiveness agenda. Italy supports the principle of recipient ownership and attempts to align its programmes with local strategies when possible. Its ability to carry out its commitments, however, is hampered by a lack of staff, organisational support and operational flexibility. The 2004 peer review encouraged Italy to build upon its efforts to streamline administration in order to address the parallel need for a clear strategy on harmonisation. Italy aims to reinforce the quality of evaluation feedback, including improved evaluation planning and operational guidance.
Advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment. The 2007 guidelines for Italian development co-operation maintain gender equality and women’s empowerment as a priority. The Directorate General for Development Co-operation intends to increase its commitment to the MDGs on gender. Specific action in favour of gender equality in 2007 included: i) a major seminar on the empowerment of women in West Africa and a new Italian programme on this topic; ii) a workshop on implementing the UN resolution concerning the participation of women in peace building and post-conflict reconstruction in Somalia; iii) specific programmes for the empowerment of women in Afghanistan, Lebanon and Palestine.